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Version: v1.1

✏️ Practice: Arithmetic

Goal: In the Arithmetic lesson, we learned:

  • How to access the DevTools Console.
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using JavaScript operators.
  • NaN means not a number but is actually considered a type of number.
  • Infinity represents infinity and is also a type of number.

Begin getting comfortable with these concepts by completing the practice exercises listed below. Soon enough, they'll be second nature!

Warm Up

Make sure you understand the following before moving on:

  • What is an expression in JavaScript?
  • How can we access the DevTools console?
  • When might we see NaN?


Complete the following exercises to practice arithmetic in JavaScript. If you are with a pair, switch off between every section (i.e.: "Add", "Subtract", etc.) or between every prompt (e.g.: "77 to 99", "99 from 665").


  • 77 to 99
  • 34 to 1233
  • -53 to 99


  • 99 from 665
  • 555 from 23
  • 6,348,709,234 from 87,023,984,709,871,234


  • 89 and 54
  • 932 and 1,900
  • -34 and 8


  • 1008 by 7
  • 9,870,834,205,987 by 324
  • A number by 0.
  • 0 by 0.