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📓 Merge Sort

At this point, we've looked at several sorting algorithms that have a Big O of O(N2): the bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort algorithms. Now we're ready to look at a few algorithms that are both more efficient and more complex.

In this lesson, we'll cover the merge sort algorithm, which uses a divide and conquer approach to break down an array into many arrays of just one element, then sorts and merges the arrays back together until the array we started with is fully sorted. The Big O of a merge sort algorithm is O(n * Log n) — which is faster than O(n2). One interesting thing, though, is that the Big O for a merge sort algorithm is always the same — whether that's the best-case or worst-case scenario. So in a best-case or near best-case scenario (where an algorithm is already sorted), the inefficient algorithms we've learned are faster than merge sort.

Because this is a more complex algorithm to implement, we are going to return to our TDD approach. We aren't asking you to figure it yourself (so no clues this time) but you are more than welcome to try to write your own solution if you want a challenge.

Before we get started, let's take a look at how a merge sort actually works. We'll use the array we've been working with so far with other sort algorithms as an example: [9,5,7,3,15,12].

First, a merge sort algorithm splits the larger array into smaller and smaller arrays — until each array is only one element.

In a merge sort, the array is split in half repeatedly until it is a series of arrays of just one element

As we can see from the illustration, this is the divide part of a merge sort's divide and conquer approach.

You can probably guess what happens next: the arrays are merged again — but they are sorted as they're merged.

Next, each smaller array is merged and sorted until all the arrays have merged into one sorted array.

The end result is a fully sorted array — and while the process may seem complicated, it's more efficient than the sorting algorithms we've learned so far — at least for large collections.

Writing A Function to Merge Two Arrays

As always, we'll start small with our TDD approach. We don't need to solve the entire problem at once. Let's start by writing a function that will merge two arrays. We'll use the same Jest testing environment we've been using throughout the computer science curriculum. We'll begin with a test:

import { merge } from '../src/merge-sort.js';

describe('merge', () => {

test('it will merge two arrays of one element each', () => {
const leftArray = [3];
const rightArray = [6];
expect(merge(leftArray, rightArray)).toEqual([3, 6]);

First, note that we are using a named import instead of a default import here. That's because our source code will ultimately have multiple functions — and we'll need to write tests for each of them.

Our first test will check to see if we can correctly merge two arrays. No sorting will happen yet.

Here's the code to get this to pass:

export function merge(leftArray, rightArray) {
let mergedArray = [];
return mergedArray;

Our merge() function takes two arguments — a leftArray and a rightArray. We haven't written code that splits an array yet, but when we do, it will take the half of the array on the left and split it from the half of the array on the right.

For example, let's say we had the following: [5, 3, 9, 1]. If we were to split this in two, [5, 3] would be the leftArray and [9, 1] would be the rightArray. We would then split these into arrays of single elements again because a merge sort algorithm always breaks everything down to arrays of single elements before it begins to sort.

Next, we create a mergedArray variable which holds an empty array. Since there is no sorting to do, we simply push the two elements into the merged array — first the left, then the right.

That will get our first test passing.

What if the element in the leftArray is larger? Let's write a test for that now.

test('it will merge and sort two arrays of one element each', () => {
const leftArray = [6];
const rightArray = [3];
expect(merge(leftArray, rightArray)).toEqual([3, 6]);

Getting this passing is as simple as adding a conditional and changing the order we push the elements. Here's the code:

export function merge(leftArray, rightArray) {
let mergedArray = [];
if (leftArray[0] > rightArray[0]) {
} else {
return mergedArray;

It's not very clean and has a lot of repetition. However, it gets the test passing and should demonstrate a clear sense of what we are trying to do. If the value in the rightArray is smaller, we push that one to mergedArray first. If the value in the leftArray is smaller, that's the one that gets pushed into mergedArray first.

Also, all that repetition with the [0] position of each array should get us thinking about the next step — working with arrays that have more than one element. We'll obviously need a loop to do that. Let's start with a test again.

test('it will merge and sort two arrays of two elements each', () => {
const leftArray = [3, 5];
const rightArray = [4, 6];
expect(merge(leftArray, rightArray)).toEqual([3, 4, 5, 6]);

In the test above, we take two arrays of two elements each. We expect our merge() function to merge and sort these two arrays. By the way, note that these arrays are both sorted. Our merge() function will only work if every element in both of the arrays it merges are sorted. This is expected — after all, it will start with two arrays, each with a single element, merge and sort them, and continue to do that until it has fully sorted the array. The merge() function should never be merging two unsorted arrays into a sorted array — if that were to happen, it would mean there's something wrong with our code — and the final mergedArray will not be correctly sorted.

To get this test passing, we're going to need a loop. Our loop will actually go through both the leftArray and the rightArray, pushing the lower value as needed. But how exactly will this work? Before we show you the code, a key caveat — our tests will not pass yet because we are omitting a key step. For now, we just want to demonstrate how the loop will work.

// Our tests won't pass yet because a key step is still missing. The loop itself, though, is complete.

export function merge(leftArray, rightArray) {
let mergedArray = [];
let leftIndex = 0;
let rightIndex = 0;
while ((leftIndex < leftArray.length) && (rightIndex < rightArray.length)) {
if (leftArray[leftIndex] <= rightArray[rightIndex]) {
leftIndex ++;
} else {
rightIndex ++;
return mergedArray;

First, we need an index for both arrays. We'll name these leftIndex and rightIndex and start them each at 0. What we're doing here is creating a pointer that will start at the first element of each array.

Next, we'll use a while loop. As long as leftIndex < leftArray.length and rightIndex < rightArray.length, the loop will keep running. We'll cover this more in a moment.

Next, we have a conditional. If the element at the 0 position of leftArray is less than or equal to the element at the 0 position of rightArray, that means we need to push the element from leftArray into mergedArray first. After we do that, there's another key step — we need to increment the leftIndex. That's because we are done pushing the first element from the leftArray into mergedArray. The next time through the loop, we will no longer be pointing at the first element of leftArray — instead, we'll be pointing at its second element. rightIndex will still be pointing at the first element of rightArray because we haven't pushed any elements from that array into mergedArray yet.

On the other hand, if the value at rightArray is smaller, the element that we are pointing at in the rightArray will get merged and rightIndex will be incremented.

Let's imagine for a moment that we are merging the following arrays:

const leftArray = [2, 3, 5];
const rightArray = [7, 9, 13];

Note that all the values in leftArray are smaller than all the values in rightArray.

The first time through the loop, both the leftIndex and rightIndex will be 0. 2 is less than 7 so 2 will be pushed to mergedArray and leftIndex will be incremented to 1.

The second time through the loop, leftIndex is 1 and rightIndex is still 0. 3 is less than 7 so 3 will be pushed to mergedArray. leftIndex will be incremented to 2 while rightIndex doesn't change.

The third time through the loop, leftIndex is 2 and rightIndex still hasn't changed — it's 0. 5 is less than 7 so it gets pushed to mergedArray.

The fourth time through the loop, we are taking advantage of how JavaScript handles comparisons with undefined. There is no leftArray[3], which means it's undefined. Because our condition is false, all of the elements of the rightArray will be pushed, one at a time, to mergedArray while rightIndex is incremented once each time.

Let's also demonstrate how this works with an illustration because this is the first time we've used two pointers to point at and compare values from two different arrays at different indexes of each array. Let's say we want to merge the following two arrays: [3, 7, 12] and [2, 5, 9].

First iteration through the loop.

The first time through the loop, we have pointers at the first element of both arrays. That's what the illustration above shows. Because 2 is the lower value, it will get pushed to mergedArray and the pointer for the array on the right will move forward one element.

Second iteration through the loop.

The illustration above shows where we are at the second time through the loop. We are now comparing 3 and 5. 3 is smaller — and that value from the left array is going to get pushed to mergedArray. The pointer for the array on the left gets moved forward one element.

Third iteration through the loop.

Each pointer has moved forward one by the time we start our third iteration. Now we are comparing 7 and 5. 5 is smaller so that value gets pushed to mergedArray and the pointer for the array on the right gets moved forward one element.

Fourth iteration through the loop.

Now we are comparing 7 and 9. 7 is less, so push that to mergedArray and move the pointer forward for the array on the left.

Fifth iteration through the loop.

For our fifth and last time through the loop, we'll compare 9 and 12. 9 is less so it will get pushed to mergedArray.

But wait a minute. We only do five total loops? What about the sixth element? Our mergedArray won't contain the number 12. This is because the conditions for both while loops has been met. So if we run our tests now, we'll see that our merge() function mostly merges and sorts two sorted arrays — but the final element will be missing. In fact, with the way the pointers work, the pointer for the array on the right will now be pointing beyond the final element.

This actually works to our advantage. We can use Array.prototype.slice() to grab the values at both the leftIndex and the rightIndex for their respective arrays. Let's take a look at the updated function:

export function merge(leftArray, rightArray) {
let mergedArray = [];
let leftIndex = 0;
let rightIndex = 0;
while ((leftIndex < leftArray.length) && (rightIndex < rightArray.length)) {
if (leftArray[leftIndex] <= rightArray[rightIndex]) {
leftIndex ++;
} else {
rightIndex ++;
mergedArray = mergedArray.concat(leftArray.slice(leftIndex)).concat(rightArray.slice(rightIndex)); // new code
return mergedArray;

As we can see, we slice the elements at both the leftIndex and rightIndex and concatenate them to mergedArray. The nice thing about Array.prototype.slice() is that we can "slice" a non-existent piece of an array (such as the 5th element of an array that only has 3 elements) and it will just return an empty array. So if we slice the leftIndex and rightIndex of the arrays in the illustration above, the leftIndex for the array on the left will be 2 — and the value of leftArray.slice(2) will be [12]. Meanwhile, rightIndex is at 3 — so if we run rightArray.slice(3), the return will be []. That means we can concatenate the value at both rightIndex and leftIndex. One will concatenate [] and the other will concatenate [12].

So now we have a working merge() function that will merge sorted arrays of any size. The next step is to write a recursive function that will split up an array into smaller parts.

Dividing An Array

We'll call this function mergeSort(). The very first behavior we'll test is that it can correctly return an array of one or zero elements. There's no need to sort in that case.

Here's our test. We'll keep our new tests in the same suite.

test('mergeSort() will return an array of one or zero elements', () => {
const array = [1]

And here's the code to get this test passing:

export function mergeSort(array) {
if (array.length <= 1) {
return array;

This conditional is an essential part of our function. We'll see why in a moment.

So what's our next test? Well, this function will be splitting arrays in half — but it won't be returning these values. It will only be doing so internally so the merge() function can process them — and this function will also be called recursively. Our next test will check if mergeSort() can properly sort an array of two elements.

Why test this when we've already confirmed that merge() will sort an array of two elements? Well, mergeSort() will be a control function that recursively calls itself and uses the merge() function we've already written to sort and merge arrays. So we need to make sure that mergeSort() can correctly handle this and return the final sorted array.

Here's a test:

test('mergeSort() will sort an array of two elements', () => {
const array = [7,4];

Now let's get this test passing. Here's the full mergeSort() function:

export function mergeSort(array) {
if (array.length <= 1) {
return array;
const midpoint = Math.floor(array.length / 2);
const leftArray = array.slice(0, midpoint);
const rightArray = array.slice(midpoint);
return merge(mergeSort(leftArray), mergeSort(rightArray));

Let's skip to the new code. We determine the midpoint of the array with Math.floor(array.length / 2);. Once we know the midpoint, we can use Array.prototype.slice() to divide the array in half using the midpoint:

const leftArray = array.slice(0, midpoint);
const rightArray = array.slice(midpoint);

Each time our mergeSort() function is called on an array, it will find the midpoint and then create a leftArray and a rightArray.

Next, we'll pass these into our merge() function. Note, however, the arguments we are passing into merge(). We aren't just passing in leftArray and rightArray. We're passing in the mergeSort() function as both arguments instead. We'll explain exactly what's happening by walking through an example in a moment.

But first, if we check our test, we'll see that it passes. In fact, our code is complete. We could write another test for an array with any number of unsorted elements and it will pass.

Now let's go into a bit more detail about what exactly is happening recursively in this function because it can be a bit confusing at first.

Let's say we pass in the following array to our mergeSort() function:

const array = [7, 3, 5, 4];

First, our algorithm will check to see if the array's length is less than 1. It's not.

Next, it will calculate the midpoint, which is 2. leftArray will be [7, 3] while rightArray will be [5, 4].

So here's what gets passed into our merge() function:

return merge(mergeSort([7,3]), mergeSort([5,4]));

In effect, we are saying, merge these arrays — but wait! Split them again first.

So mergeSort() gets called again for each array.

For the left array ([7, 3]), the midpoint is 1. The array will be split again into new left and right arrays: [7] and [3] respectively.

Meanwhile, mergeSort() is doing the same thing for the right array ([5, 4]) and splitting them into [5] and [4].

So our merge() function will be called four more times, one for each of these one element arrays. Once again, we are saying, merge these arrays — but wait! First split them again if needed.

Now we have four additional mergeSort() function calls in addition to the mergeSort() calls that are already in the stack.

Here is where our conditional is essential:

if (array.length <= 1) {
return array;

If we have broken our arrays down to one or zero elements each, mergeSort() will just return the array. If we didn't do this, our mergeSort() function would keep saying merge — but wait! Split first forever, even though we can't split an array of one or zero elements any further. The maximum call stack will be exceeded and the function will fail. If you want to see this for yourself, remove the conditional and run the mergeSort() function.

Once each of the mergeSort() function calls return the array, we're ready to go back through the stack, resolving each merge() function call, sorting each array and merging it until we have a single sorted array again. As always, don't forget that a JavaScript function has to return something or its return will be undefined. For that reason, we have to return the merge() function.

The recursive part of a merge sort algorithm is the most confusing part — so take a little time to understand what's happening if it's still not quite clear. This divide and conquer approach is certainly faster than the quadratic time sorting algorithms we've learned so far. However, as you might imagine, JavaScript isn't well-suited for this algorithm when it comes to sorting very large arrays. That's because JavaScript has a maximum stack size. For instance, if we were to run this test:

test('mergeSort() will sort an array of one million elements', () => {
let array = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= 1000000; i++ ) {
array.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(1000)));

We will get a Maximum call stack size exceeded error. JavaScript will happily create an array of one million elements for us — but our mergeSort() function won't be able to handle the call stack of all those recursive calls. In order to fix it, we'd need to utilize tail call optimization — which would mean that recursive calls wouldn't be added to the stack. But that's a digression from our current topic.

Generally, a merge sort algorithm is much better than the algorithms we've already learned, but there are some interesting additional pieces of information about it. The algorithms we've already learned use quadratic time in the average and worst-case scenarios — but in the best-case scenario (where an array is already sorted or mostly sorted), they only use linear time.

A merge sort algorithm, on the other hand, always divides and conquers before merging again. That means it will take the same amount of time regardless of whether the array is sorted or not. This makes it consistent — the best-case and worst-case scenario are the same — but you can probably imagine scenarios where the quadratic time algorithms we've already learned might function better. For instance, let's say we have a database full of millions of small arrays. Most are sorted, but there are some that are not due to occasional glitches in our sorting software. We'd actually be better off doing the work with one of our quadratic algorithms because this task would mostly run in linear time with only occasional arrays that would be sorted in quadratic time.

So while a merge sort algorithm is generally a better tool for sorting large arrays, that doesn't mean that the quadratic time sorting algorithms we've learned can't sometimes do the job faster.