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Version: v1.1

📓 Team Week Objectives

You're a team and you're building something awesome!

This Team Week will be a little bit different from the Team Weeks of previous sections. As you've been working towards your Professional Development and utilizing your plan, you've started to differentiate yourself from your peers by pursuing what you yourself find interesting.

Now that we're coming back together in teams, you have the opportunity to specialize in a role that focuses on the items you've been learning. Additionally, in collaboration, every student will be able to share what they've learned, and provide support to each other in ways that only an individual student can.

While you spend time with your group brainstorming your vision as usual, you'll have new things to consider:

  • There is no language requirement: You are welcome to choose a language that works best for the project that you all hope to pursue. You are no longer bound by being required to use JavaScript or C#. Teams might even have multiple languages to leverage the proficiencies of each group member.
  • There isn't a project archetype to follow: There hasn't been a ToDoList, a React application, or a JavaScript API example to work from over the past several weeks. The organizational pattern of the projects from group to group might look vastly different. Do your best to follow best practices for whatever paradigm you are following.
  • You bring something unique: It may be possible that individuals have selected to explore topics that others in the group have no experience with. That means you are bringing unique expertise to the table. Don't be afraid to contribute what you've learned, and don't be afraid to share the wealth of knowledge you've accumulated.
  • Roles can be non-technical: For those who are hoping to pursue a non-technical role, such as Project Management, you are welcome to integrate these skills into your Team Week experience.

As you take on different roles, make sure to be considerate of others in your group.

Spend time together as a team brainstorming your vision. Decide how you want to communicate and work together over the next 4 days. All ideas should be welcome and all members given roles. You can change partners daily or play to the strengths and preferences of your members. Remember that in addition to coding skills, communication is one of the most important elements of building great applications. Let your team be one that fosters direct, honest communication and encourages every member's voice!

For the presentation, determine what the minimum viable product for demonstration is. A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a development approach where an application is created with the minimum sufficient features necessary to demonstrate it to users and/or investors. Additional features are implemented when/if time and resources allow. When you create an MVP, it should be a prototype of your idea and have the basic core elements in place so your audience (e.g. peers, investors, clients, future employers, future users, etc.) can understand what your vision is. Try to be both ambitious and realistic. Use a whiteboard or paper or online storyboard application if that would help everyone with the overview and the plan!

You are going to create something incredible. Dive in!

Code Review Objectives

At the end of the week, you will present your group project at Thursday's Trade Show, where it will be reviewed for the following objective:

  • Participation in creating and presenting a project, and collaborating effectively with teammates.