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✏️ Technical Interview Practice: APIs and Further Exploration

Technical Interview Questions

  • When should we use the useReducer() hook instead of the useState() hook?
  • How is state management with a useReducer() hook different from state management with Redux?
  • What arguments do we need to pass in to the useReducer() hook when we call it?
  • What is React context used for?
  • When should we use React context?
  • What are the alternatives to React context?
  • How does React context share data between two components? Name the mechanisms it uses.
  • What is full stack development? What are the differences between front and back end development?
  • When we make an API call with React, what part of the React lifecycle should we use to trigger the API call? Why?
  • What is React Native? Name a few ways in which it is different from React.
  • Why are hooks so useful?
  • What is data visualization and why might we want to add it to an application?
  • What issues does React have with SEO? How can we address these issues?

Stories and Examples

Offering a tangible story or example that highlights your skills usually goes much further in an interview than simply telling your interviewer you're good at something. (i.e.: Telling a story about a time you tracked down a tricky bug versus simply saying "I'm good at problem-solving!").

Review the STAR method, discussed in this lesson on non-technical interviews. Use the STAR method to practice answering non-technical questions with your partner.

Again, if you come up with a story or example you feel good about, jot it down somewhere! It's tough to come up with stories like this in an interview on the spot. Having a few tucked away to review before an interview will be a huge benefit to you later.