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Version: v1.1

📓 After Your Internship


Some internship host companies may offer to extend your internship or transition you to an employee. If that happens, please let Epicodus' career counselor know immediately! We'll help make sure the transition goes smoothly. If you get an offer but don't want to take it, let us know, too, and we can help you turn it down graciously (and potentially find another Epicodus student who it could be a better fit for).

Regardless, make sure you continue to build relationships with the mentors that you've been working with. Ask for their advice on job hunting (mentors love that!), and for suggestions and referrals for places to apply.

Working with Epicodus staff

After you graduate from Epicodus, our career coach will be available to call or email you at least once a week to check in, until you find a job. We really want to be a resource for you!

If you want to delay your job search or aren't planning to look for development work after Epicodus, let us know so that we don't waste your and our time trying to contact you.

To help keep track of where you've applied, track your job search in a spreadsheet like this:

This is what we're going to be asking you when we check in:

  • How is your search going?
  • How many applications have you put in? (Your goal is 10 per week.)
  • Have you been tracking all of your job-hunting in your spreadsheet?
  • Where have you applied since last week?
  • Have you heard back from the places you applied last week?
  • Did you send thank-you and/or follow-up emails to places you've interviewed at?
  • What have you pushed to Github since last week? (Your goal is to push 4 days per week.)

This is what we'll be doing to help you:

  • Helping you set job searching goals and talking about tactics
  • Reviewing your cover letters and resumes as needed
  • Doing mock interviews
  • Following up with companies you've applied to (if they're companies that have reached out through us)
  • Passing on feedback from companies to you (see above)
  • Helping you negotiate job offers

In order to work together effectively:

  • Check your email at least once a day and reply promptly to our emails and requests
  • Answer or promptly return our phone calls
  • Let us know when you're unavailable, meaning you can't reply to us quickly
  • Take our feedback to heart, and give us feedback on how we can help you better
  • Keep us in the loop every step of the way
  • Let us know as soon as you get a job offer, and before you accept it

We are most effective in helping you apply for jobs when you're keeping all of these things in mind. You'll find that the job search itself is like a full time job and it's a good idea to think of it this way. If you're not committed to the job search, if you're not keeping track, replying to emails and communicating with us and with companies, then we're not going to be effective at helping you. And it reflects badly on us if we refer you to a position and you don't follow up.

You should apply to at least 10 positions a week and push code to Github at least 5 days a week, as this will give you the best chance of securing employment quickly. If you don't want our support in the job hunting process, let us know how we can best be a resource for you. If you have travel plans, want to take time off after class, or for any other reason don't plan to seriously job-hunt immediately after you graduate, please let us know! We will be happy to support you whenever you are ready to start job-hunting, up to a year after you graduate.