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Version: v1.1

✏️ Best Restaurants in Town

Goal: Build out an application using a one-to-many relationship with Entity. The application should include two models, both with full CRUD functionality.

Warm Up

  • Give an example of a one-to-many relationship. How can you determine this is the correct relationship?
  • How do we associate database entries?
  • What is a navigation property?
  • What is ViewBag and how is it useful?


To Do List

Follow along with the homework lessons to build out a fully-functional To Do List with a one-to-many relationship between Categorys and Items.

Relations Practice

Next let's go through some exercises to help you get comfortable with database design and schemas:

  • Create tables with sample data for a system that tracks non-profits and their board members. A non-profit has many board members, so this is a one-to-many relationship. Sketch it out on a whiteboard or using a spreadsheet.

  • Suppose you wanted to make a list of restaurants in your neighborhood and group them together by the kind of food they serve. Create sample restaurants and types_of_food tables. Start with a one-to-many relationship (assume a restaurant only serves one type of food). You can feel free to think about how you could make this a many-to-many relationship, but don't worry if you don't know how! We'll learn all about those in the next course section.

  • Make a schema for your database tables of restaurants and the type of food they serve.

Best Restaurants

Create a website where users can add their favorite restaurants based on the type of cuisine they offer.

  • Add a Cuisine class. Build out all CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for this class. Remember that "Read" means to view a particular cuisine and to list out all of the cuisines.

  • Add a Restaurant class. Build out all CRUD functionality for this class.

  • Add properties other than name to your Restaurant class so that you can display descriptive information about the restaurants.

  • Make the connection between a cuisine and a restaurant in the database. A cuisine can have many restaurants, but a restaurant can only be attached to one cuisine.

  • Allow a user to search for all of a cuisine's restaurants.

Further Exploration

If you have time, go ahead and tackle the next few features.

  • Now your application allows for users to review restaurants. Build out a Review class and make the relationship in the database so that a restaurant has many reviews. Pretend that the users who are reviewing the website are different from the user who added the restaurant.

  • Display all of the reviews at the bottom of the restaurant's page.

Peer/Instructor Code Review

  • Do the database table and column names follow proper naming conventions?
  • Is there a one-to-many relationship set up correctly in Entity?
  • Is ViewBag used correctly?
  • Does the application work as expected?