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Version: v1.1

📓 Separating Promise Logic

Now that we've learned about static methods, let's refactor our weather API application to use one. In the process, we'll separate our API call business logic into a separate file.

Here's the code so far on the branch called 2_xhr_api_call_with_promises:

Example GitHub Repo for API Project with Promises

We'll just add one additional file to hold our API logic. We'll call this file weather-service.js and the file will hold a class called WeatherService.

Why are we using the term service here? A service is a piece of reusable code that can be shared across an application. In this case, we are separating out our API call so we can make this code available wherever it's needed. In a very large application, we might need to include our service in many different places. That isn't the case here, but using this design pattern will make our application more scalable.

Let's take a look at the code in this file:

export default class WeatherService {  
static getWeather(city) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
const url = `${city}&appid=${process.env.API_KEY}`;
request.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
const response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
if (this.status === 200) {
resolve([response, city]);
} else {
reject([this, response, city]);
});"GET", url, true);

We export a default class because we will only be exporting WeatherService. We also don't include a constructor, however we can still instantiate a new WeatherService instance if we needed to:

const myWeatherService = new WeatherService();

Next, we use the static keyword to define a static method called getWeather() which takes a city as a parameter.

The code inside this static method is almost exactly the same as it was before. The only difference is that we need to return our promise. There's no need to save the promise in a variable. So, getWeather is just a method that returns a promise object.

The big gotcha that we see for many students trying to separate out logic is that they forget the return keyword. As we know, functions need to return something or they will be undefined. We've seen many situations where students thought they were getting undefined in their code because they weren't handling asynchrony properly — but the real reason was because a function didn't return anything!

Now let's take a look at the updated code for index.js:

import 'bootstrap';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import './css/styles.css';
import WeatherService from './weather-service.js'

// Business Logic

function getWeather(city) {
let promise = WeatherService.getWeather(city);
promise.then(function(weatherDataArray) {
}, function(errorArray) {

// UI Logic

function printElements(data) {
document.querySelector('#showResponse').innerText = `The humidity in ${data[1]} is ${data[0].main.humidity}%.
The temperature in Kelvins is ${data[0].main.temp} degrees.`;

function printError(error) {
document.querySelector('#showResponse').innerText = `There was an error accessing the weather data for ${error[2]}: ${error[0].status} ${error[0].statusText}: ${error[1].message}`;

function handleFormSubmission(event) {
const city = document.querySelector('#location').value;
document.querySelector('#location').value = null;

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
document.querySelector('form').addEventListener("submit", handleFormSubmission);

First we need to make sure to import our WeatherService. We make our API call by doing the following:

function getWeather(city) {
let promise = WeatherService.getWeather(city);
promise.then(function(weatherDataArray) {
}, function(errorArray) {

It should be really clear why our static WeatherService.getWeather() method needs to return a promise — otherwise, the promise variable would be undefined when we use it.

Because the variable holds a promise, we can call Promise.prototype.then() on it.

An Alternate Organization of index.js

Consider the following alternate organization of our logic in index.js. This is just as acceptable as the initial solution, and could be considered more favorable since there's fewer lines of code without sacrificing good separation of logic and readability.

How you decide to organize the code in your own applications will depend on the functionality: how you need to process the data involved and how many API calls you need to make. Regardless of how you choose to organize your code, your business logic and UI logic should remain clearly separated.

import 'bootstrap';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import './css/styles.css';
import WeatherService from './weather-service.js'

// UI Logic

function handleFormSubmission(event) {
const city = document.querySelector('#location').value;
document.querySelector('#location').value = null;
let promise = WeatherService.getWeather(city);
promise.then(function(weatherDataArray) {
}, function(errorArray) {

function printElements(data) {
document.querySelector('#showResponse').innerText = `The humidity in ${data[1]} is ${data[0].main.humidity}%.
The temperature in Kelvins is ${data[0].main.temp} degrees.`;

function printError(error) {
document.querySelector('#showResponse').innerText = `There was an error accessing the weather data for ${error[2]}: ${error[0].status} ${error[0].statusText}: ${error[1].message}`;

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
document.querySelector('form').addEventListener("submit", handleFormSubmission);


In this lesson, we've made some minor changes to our code that make a big difference in terms of separating logic and keeping our code concise and clean. You'll be expected to separate code related to API calls into its own file for this section's independent project.

Here's the project with separated logic on the branch called 3_separate_logic_with_xhr_and_promises:

Example GitHub Repo for API Project with Promises