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📓 APIE: Inheritance, Abstract Classes, and Virtual Class Members

In this lesson, we're going to revisit the four principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), often referred to as APIE:

  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation

So far, we're familiar with abstraction and encapsulation. In this lesson, we'll learn about inheritance through which one class shares functionality with another class. In the process, we'll learn about tools we can use to determine how two objects should share functionality between each other:

  • We'll create and use an abstract class.
  • We'll learn how to apply new C# modifiers called abstract, virtual, and override.
  • We'll learn about new terminology like base class and derived class.

We're already familiar with the concept of inheritance from JavaScript, which is helpful! However, take note that JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance, while OOP languages like C#, C++, and Java use class-based inheritance.


Inheritance is simply the process of passing on functionality from a parent class to a child class. C# has single inheritance, which means that a class can only inherit from a single other class. In turn, that class can inherit from yet another class. A subclass, or child class, ultimately inherits the functionality of each of those parent classes. For example, we could have a chain of inheritance that look like this:

Animal -> Mammal -> Feline -> Cat

Cat can only inherit from one class — Feline — but it will ultimately inherit all the functionality of each of the classes above, including Mammal and Animal, because they have been passed down to Feline.

We've used the terms parent class, child class, and inherits, but there is additional terminology to learn that's commonly used when describing inheritance. If we look at the inheritance between the classes Mammal and Feline:

  • Feline inherits from the Mammal class. We also can say that Feline extends the functionality in the Mammal class.
  • Mammal is the parent or base class.
  • Feline is the child or derived class that is inheriting functionality from the Mammal class.

As another example, we can use this same language to describe the inheritance between Feline and Cat:

  • Cat inherits from the Feline class. We also can say that Cat extends the functionality in the Feline class.
  • Feline is the parent or base class.
  • Cat is the child or derived class that is inheriting functionality from the Feline class.

However, we couldn't say that Animal is the base class for the derived class Feline. That's because classes can only inherit from one other class: in our example chain of inheritance, Cat inherits from Feline, Feline inherits from Mammal, and Mammal inherits from Animal.

Implementing Inheritance

To implement inheritance, we simply need to define a base class and a derived class, and within the derived class, use the correct syntax to extend the derived class with the functionality of the base class:

public class DerivedClassToBeExtended : BaseClass

Let's make this concrete with an example. Here's our base class:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public class Feline
// Auto-Implemented Properties
public bool DoesPurr { get; set; }
public bool DoesRoar { get; set; }

And here's a derived class that extends the functionality of the Feline class:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public class Cat : Feline
public string Breed { get; set; } = "";

public Cat(string breed)
DoesPurr = true;
DoesRoar = false;
Breed = breed;

Or, in other words, the Cat class inherits functionality from the Feline class. That's why we can access the DoesPurr and DoesRoar auto-implemented properties within the Cat() constructor function, even though they are not explicitly defined within the Cat class. Instead, these auto-implemented properties are defined in the Feline class, which the Cat class inherits from.

Finally, take note that there's no limit to how many classes can derive from a base class. For example, we could have a whole slew of classes that inherit from Feline:

  • public class Cougar : Feline
  • public class Tiger : Feline
  • public class Lynx : Feline
  • etc.

However, each of the derived classes (Cougar, Tiger, and Lynx) can only inherit from one base class (Feline).

Another Example of Inheritance

Let's look at just one more example of inheritance, this time with built-in C# classes. Do you remember the GetType() method that we used to check the namespace and class name of different C# objects? For example, when we check the type of a string in the dotnet-script REPL, we'll get [System.String] returned to us:

> string myFavFlower = "rose";
> myFavFlower.GetType()

We can call GetType() on any object out there. Even the Cat and Feline classes we created in the last example.

Well, all objects have access to the GetType() method thanks to inheritance. The GetType() method is actually defined in the System.Object class (the Object class that lives in the System namespace), and in C#, all objects inherit from the Object class and automatically have access to its methods. Even our custom classes implicitly inherit from System.Object.

This is a great example of how inheritance can be used to share functionality across classes. In this case, the System.Object class contains basic functionality that all objects should have, like type checking, which is why all C# objects inherit from it.

Abstract Classes

One way to build inheritance into an application is through an abstract class. An abstract class is simply a class that is never instantiated.

Let's reconsider our earlier example of the Feline class, from which many child classes — Cat, Tiger, etc. — are derived from. The Feline class exists in order to define elements that are universal to all felines, and all of the derived classes contain more specific data about specific types of felines, like house cats. So the question is, will we ever need to create an instance of the Feline class? I don't think so! We want to make Cat and Cougar objects, but not Feline objects. Because of this, it would be better to make the Feline class abstract that can never be instantiated.

In summary, an abstract class exists simply for the purpose of organizing universal elements and functionality and passing that on to other classes. Again, there is no limit to the number of classes that can inherit from a class. Cat can only have one parent class but Feline can have many child classes.

Implementing an Abstract Class

It's easy to create an abstract class. Let's update our Feline class to be abstract:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public abstract class Feline
// Auto-Implemented Properties
public bool DoesPurr { get; set; }
public bool DoesRoar { get; set; }

All we need is the abstract modifier. Once we do this, we can no longer instantiate a Feline object. If we tried to do something like this:

Feline fel = new Feline();

We would receive the following error:

error CS0144: Cannot create an instance of the abstract type or interface 'Feline'

Abstract Members of an Abstract Class

We can also declare members of an abstract class as abstract. That includes properties and methods, but not fields. For example, let's declare an abstract instance method called Vocalize() within the Feline class:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public abstract class Feline
public bool DoesPurr { get; set; }
public bool DoesRoar { get; set; }

// An abstract method
public abstract string Vocalize();

Note that we declare the method is abstract. When a class member is declared as abstract, it cannot include any code. Instead, when we include abstract members within an abstract class, we're defining functionality that child classes should have (like Vocalize()), but not the exact implementation of this functionality, as in, whether Vocalize() will return "meow", "roar", or "growl".

When an abstract base class has abstract members, derived classes must override the abstract member using the override modifier. For instance, we'd need to include a Vocalize() method in the Cat class that overrides the Vocalize() method in the parent Feline class:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public class Cat : Feline
public string Breed { get; set; } = "";

public Cat(string breed)
DoesPurr = true;
DoesRoar = false;
Breed = breed;

public override string Vocalize()
return "meow!";

Want to try this out? Here's what we can do with our Cat class within the Main() method:

using System;
using AnimalGeneaology.Models;

namespace AnimalGeneaology
class Program
static void Main()
Cat myCat = new Cat("tabby");

The above code will return:


Non-Abstract Members within an Abstract Class

We can also write regular, non-abstract methods in an abstract class. These methods should include code within the method body. For instance, We could include Walk() and Hunt() methods that looks like this:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public abstract class Feline
public bool DoesPurr { get; set; }
public bool DoesRoar { get; set; }

// An abstract method
public abstract string Vocalize();

// Non-abstract methods:
public string Hunt()
return "The feline hunts.";

public string Walk()
return "The feline walks.";

Because this method isn't abstract, we can optionally add code to it.

We can then update Program.cs to call on these methods:

using System;
using AnimalGeneaology.Models;

namespace AnimalGeneaology
class Program
static void Main()
Cat myCat = new Cat("tabby");

And we'll get this returned to us:

The feline walks.
The feline hunts.

Another Tool for Inheritance: Virtual Members

We can use virtual class members as another tool to control how functionality is shared between two classes. When we declare a class member as virtual in a base class, it allows all derived classes to optionally override it and create a new definition for that member. Unlike the abstract modifier, we can only apply virtual to class members and not to classes themselves. Similar to the abstract modifier, we can make properties and methods virtual, but not fields.

Let's look at an example. We'll update the Feline.Walk() method to be virtual:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public abstract class Feline
public bool DoesPurr { get; set; }
public bool DoesRoar { get; set; }

// An abstract method
public abstract string Vocalize();

public string Hunt()
return "The feline hunts.";

// This is now a virtual method!
public virtual string Walk()
return "The feline walks.";

Now, we can optionally override the Feline.Walk() method by creating a new Cat.Walk() method with a new definition. Let's see how that works:

namespace AnimalGeneaology.Models
public class Cat : Feline
public string Breed { get; set; } = "";

public Cat(string breed)
DoesPurr = true;
DoesRoar = false;
Breed = breed;

public override string Vocalize()
return "meow!";

public override string Walk()
return "The cat walks.";

To override a base class (Feline) method within a derived class (Cat), we need to use the same method signature (public string Walk()) and specifically include the override modifier.

Without making any changes to the code in Program.cs, if we re-run the program, we'll get this returned to us in the terminal:

The cat walks.
The feline hunts.

As we can see, the method in the child class replaces the method in the parent class: we get "The cat walks." instead of "The feline walks."

When To Use Inheritance

You are not required to use inheritance or an abstract class for this section's independent project. However, you are encouraged to experiment with them and add them to projects if possible.

Even though inheritance seems to only be about sharing functionality between a parent class and one or more child classes, inheritance is also about creating abstractions. In our Feline/Cat example, Feline is an abstraction that represents universal elements and functionality that all felines have in common, while Cat is the more specific implementation of Feline.

However, creating this sort of abstraction won't make sense for every application. For example, if we're creating an app for a company that takes care of pets while their owners are away, it definitely makes sense to have a Cat class, but we're not going to have other felines like tigers and cougars, since people don't (usually) have tigers and cougars as pets. In this context, it doesn't make sense to create an abstract Feline class that we'll then have our Cat class be derived from.

On the other hand, if we're creating an application for a zoo or a zoologist, we'll be dealing with a lot of different types of felines, and creating an abstract Feline class would be beneficial: it would group universal elements and functionality into one class that other classes can inherit from. In other words, the abstract parent class is focused on defining the general elements of all derived classes, whereas each derived class can focus on the specific implementation.

When To Use abstract

When a class or class member is marked as abstract, it means the exact implementation (functionality) still needs to be defined.

  • When you make a class abstract, it can no longer be instantiated; instead, we can use it as a base class and have derived classes inherit from it.
  • Abstract classes can optionally contain abstract members (properties and methods, but not fields). Only abstract classes can contain abstract members.
  • When you make a class member abstract, you are declaring the name and type of the class member, but not the exact implementation of it.
  • Derived classes must override all abstract class members using the override modifier. This is when the exact implementation of an inherited abstract class member is being defined.

When To Use virtual

When a class member is marked as virtual, it means it can optionally be overwritten within a derived class.

  • Both regular and abstract classes can contain virtual members (properties and methods, but not fields).
  • When a class member is marked as virtual, you should define all of it. This ends up being the basic implementation that all derived classes will use (unless they override it). This is unlike with abstract members, where only the name and type is declared.
  • When you overwrite the virtual member in a derived class, you must use the override modifier.

Up next, we'll learn about interfaces, another tool that allows us to implement inheritance and helps us achieve abstraction in our C# code.