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Version: v1.1

📓 MSTest Configuration Quick Reference

This lesson is meant to be a handy reference for creating test-driven projects. We'll review what's needed to get MSTest up and running in a C# program, including naming conventions and requirements, project structure, best practices, and writing tests.

Project Structure​

MSTest requires we set up our project in a specific way:

  • Create a parent directory named ProjectName.Solution. It's also okay to use ProjectName or CompanyName instead, though we commonly use ProjectName.Solution in the projects we create in
  • Within the parent directory, add two subdirectories:
    • ProjectName
    • ProjectName.Tests
  • The ProjectName and ProjectName.Tests directories are different "versions" of our project. The first is our production project and the second is our test project.
  • Each version of the project needs a .csproj configuration file.
    • Create a ProjectName.csproj file in the ProjectName subdirectory.
    • Create a ProjectName.Tests.csproj file in the ProjectName.Tests subdirectory.

This is the standard naming convention and should be followed in all projects.

After following these steps, the directory should look like this:

├── ProjectName/
│ └── ProjectName.csproj
└── ProjectName.Tests/
└── ProjectName.Tests.csproj

Add .gitignore, a, and initialize Git​

We want to add a .gitignore to the parent directory as one of the very first activities we do when setting up our projects. Within the .gitignore, you should list the obj and bin folders:


The next step is to initialize Git with git init, and then commit your .gitignore:

$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit -m"add .gitignore"

The can realistically be added at any point, but don't forget it!

├── ProjectName/
│ └── ProjectName.csproj
├── ProjectName.Tests/
│ └── ProjectName.Tests.csproj
├── .gitignore

.csproj Files​

Our .csproj files list all outside packages or dependencies a project requires. In this section, our .csproj files will contain the following:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

<OutputType>Exe</OutputType> // This is only needed if your project has a user interface. Read more below.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="17.3.2" />
<PackageReference Include="MSTest.TestAdapter" Version="2.2.10" />
<PackageReference Include="MSTest.TestFramework" Version="2.2.10" />

<ProjectReference Include="..\ProjectName\ProjectName.csproj" />


Keep in mind that your .csproj should only include an OutputType if you have a user interface consisting of a Program.cs file with a Main() method. When you include an OutputType before you have a user interface, attempting to compile your project to test your classes will throw an error.

Also, don't forget to update the boilerplate value for the <ProjectReference> (within the above code snippet) for the ProjectName.Tests/ProjectName.Tests.csproj project file.

Installing Packages​

We use the NuGet package manager to install the packages listed in our .csproj files. For now, only the test project's .csproj contains outside packages.

  • Navigate to the ProjectName.Tests directory.
  • Run the command $ dotnet restore.

This will create obj directories in both production and test projects. Do not touch this code.

├── ProjectName/
│ ├── ProjectName.csproj
│ └── obj/
│ ├── ProjectName.csproj.nuget.cache
│ ├── ProjectName.csproj.nuget.g.props
│ ├── ProjectName.csproj.nuget.g.targets
│ └── project.assets.json
├── ProjectName.Tests/
│ ├── ProjectName.Tests.csproj
│ └── obj/
│ ├── ProjectName.Tests.csproj.nuget.cache
│ ├── ProjectName.Tests.csproj.nuget.g.props
│ ├── ProjectName.Tests.csproj.nuget.g.targets
│ └── project.assets.json
├── .gitignore

Application Logic​

Next we create the model files (business logic) where our application source code will reside.

  • In the production project (ProjectName.Solution/ProjectName), create a Models subdirectory.
  • In the Models subdirectory, create a file to contain the class relevant to your project.

The resulting file structure should look like this:

├── ProjectName/
│ ├── ProjectName.csproj
│ ├── Models/
│ │ └── ClassName.cs
│ └── obj/
│ └── (omitted for brevity)
├── ProjectName.Tests/
│ ├── ProjectName.Tests.csproj
│ └── obj/
│ └── (omitted for brevity)
├── .gitignore

In this class file, make sure of two things:

  • The namespace follows the naming convention ProjectName.Models.
  • The business logic class is public, so that our testing directory can access the code inside.
  • Often the name of the class matches the name of the file, but this does not have to be the case.

For instance:

namespace ProjectName.Models
public class ClassName
// properties, constructors, methods, etc. go here

Testing Files​

We'll save all our test files in a specific directory. Follow these steps to set up a testing file:

  • In ProjectName.Solution/ProjectName.Tests, create a ModelTests directory.
  • In the ModelTests directory, create a test file whose name matches the class name of the business logic you will be testing (what you created in the last step).
    • For example, if we have a business logic file called Puppy.cs in our ProjectName/Models directory that contains a Puppy class, the corresponding test file should be called PuppyTests.cs.
    • Note that the file naming convention is to pluralize Tests.
├── ProjectName/
│ ├── ProjectName.csproj
│ ├── Models/
│ │ └── ClassName.cs
│ └── obj/
│ └── (omitted for brevity)
├── ProjectName.Tests/
│ ├── ProjectName.Tests.csproj
| ├── ModeTests/
| │ └── ClassNameTests.cs
│ └── obj/
│ └── (omitted for brevity)
├── .gitignore

The ClassNameTests.cs test file will have the following basic structure:

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using ProjectName.Models;

namespace ProjectName.Tests
public class ClassNameTests
// Test methods go here

Notice the instances of ProjectName and ClassName in the boilerplate code above. Like all other instances of ProjectName or ClassName in this lesson, these must be changed to match the name of your specific project.


Writing Tests​

Test methods follow this general structure:

public void NameOfMethodWeAreTesting_DescriptionOfBehavior_ExpectedReturnValue()
// any necessary logic to prep for test; instantiating new classes, etc.
// we can also use the arrange, act, assert organization in any test.
Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedResult, CodeToTest);

We can also use the CollectionAssert.AreEqual() method to test and compare two collections (like arrays, lists, or dictionaries). Anytime we use a list or dictionary, we need to remember to include the using directive using System.Collections.Generic;.

public void NameOfMethodWeAreTesting_DescriptionOfBehavior_ExpectedReturnValue()
// any necessary logic to prep for test; instantiating new classes, etc.
// we can also use the arrange, act, assert organization in any test.
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ExpectedResult, CodeToTest);

Optionally Creating a Teardown Method​

To create a teardown method that runs between each test we need to do a few things:

  • Add a new using directive for using System;.
  • Extend the ClassNameTests class with the IDisposable interface.
  • Create a public void Dispose() method. Within the method body, we can put whatever code we want to run in between each test. Typically, we use the Dispose() method to clear static fields or properties between each test.
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using ProjectName.Models;
using System;

namespace ProjectName.Tests
public class ClassNameTests : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
// Code inside this method is run between each test.

// Test methods go here

Running Tests​

We can run our tests by navigating to our test project in the terminal (ProjectName.Solution/ProjectName.Tests) and running the following command:

$ dotnet test

This will print a report in the terminal of our tests and whether they pass or fail. Any failing tests will include details about their failure.

The dotnet test command will also create a bin folder with executable files that MSTest needs to run in order to run our tests and print a report to the terminal.

Continued Development​

Once the project is configured using the steps above, use TDD and the RGR workflow to build out your business logic.

Happy coding!