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Version: v1.1

📓 MVC Client: GetDetails()

In the last lesson, we created a GetAll() method that returns a list of all animals from our API. Now we're ready to add methods to our Animal and ApiHelper classes for retrieving a single animal's details. The methods we'll add will look quite similar to the ones we already have.

GET for an Animal's Details

Here's the new GetDetails() method that we'll add to our Animal class

namespace CretaceousClient.Models
public class Animal

public static Animal GetDetails(int id)
var apiCallTask = ApiHelper.Get(id);
var result = apiCallTask.Result;

JObject jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(result);
Animal animal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Animal>(jsonResponse.ToString());

return animal;

Why can't we just use one method for both the get all and get details functionality? Couldn't we just add an id to the URL string? The redundant code that we are creating doesn't look very DRY.

Well, even though the core functionality of our methods is the same, they return different types of data and must be separated.

Here, we can see three key differences between our GetDetails() and GetAnimals() methods:

  1. We need to call on the ApiHelper.Get() method, instead of the ApiHelper.GetAll() method.

  2. The GetDetails() method returns a singular animal.

  3. The GetDetails() method takes in the id of the animal.

  4. The API call within GetDetails() results in a JSON object as opposed to a JSON array.

Because of all of these reasons, we still need to create a new method for getting a single animal's details even though the code looks nearly identical to getting all animals from the database.

Now let's add the ApiHelper.Get() method:

namespace CretaceousClient.Models
public class ApiHelper

public static async Task<string> Get(int id)
RestClient client = new RestClient("http://localhost:5000/");
RestRequest request = new RestRequest($"api/animals/{id}", Method.Get);
RestResponse response = await client.GetAsync(request);
return response.Content;

This should still look familiar as it reflects the code we use to make API calls to the New York Times quite closely.

As we discussed in the previous lesson, one key difference is using the GetAsync() method, which will throw on a server error. To learn about the details of how error handling with RestSharp works, visit the docs.

Adding Controller Action and View

Next, we'll add a controller action for Details():

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using CretaceousClient.Models;

namespace CretaceousClient.Controllers;

public class AnimalsController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
List<Animal> animals = Animal.GetAnimals();
return View(animals);

public IActionResult Details(int id)
Animal animal = Animal.GetDetails(id);
return View(animal);

Finally, we'll add a view:

ViewData["Title"] = $"Details for {Model.Name}";

<h1>All About @Model.Name</h1>

<p>Species: @Model.Species</p>
<p>Age: @Model.Age</p>

@Html.ActionLink("Return to all animals", "Index")

In the next lesson in this series, we'll cover new ground and make requests that send data rather than receive it.